Questions You Should Ask Before Your Liposuction Procedure

  • Posted on: Jul 15 2019
  • By:

Liposuction is one of the safest cosmetic procedures. It is truly minimally invasive, usually requiring just a couple of tiny incisions for Dr. Puente to gain access to the targeted fat pockets. It is a very popular procedure, as well, usually coming in second only to breast augmentation in yearly cosmetic procedure statistics in the U.S.

That said, we want our patients to be very knowledgeable about any procedure we are doing. Here are some questions to ask of Dr. Puente so that you’re comfortable moving ahead with your liposuction session. We’ll provide some brief answers here, but during your consultation, Dr. Puente can fully answer your questions and concerns.

  • How much experience do you have with liposuction?

Dr. Puente opened Skin & Cosmetic Solutions in 1995 and has performed hundreds of liposuction procedures. He also trains other physicians in the tumescent liposuction technique.

  • What kind of results can I expect?

Patients will see immediate changes, but there will also be swelling and bruising. It also takes some time for the skin to tighten down over the areas where the fat was removed.

  • How long will my surgery last?

This is contingent upon the areas being treated. For instance, liposuction on the jowls takes just a few minutes, while liposuction on both flanks can take a couple hours.

  • What will my recovery be like?

Liposuction has become far less invasive with modern techniques and dramatically smaller cannulas. The tumescent method creates far less bleeding and tissue trauma, making for an easier recovery. Dr. Puente will discuss your recovery in detail.

  • What kind of care do I need to provide to the treatment area after the procedure?

The main thing here is to wear your compression garments for the length of time prescribed by Dr. Puente. This will usually be one to two weeks. These garments help keep swelling to a minimum, and they help the skin tighten down onto its new slimmer contour.

  • Do you have a gallery of before-and-after photos I can see for liposuction?

We have both an online gallery and portfolios you can go through in our Raleigh offices.

  • How can I get the most out of my results from liposuction?

Most of Dr. Puente’s liposuction patients are so pleased with their new slimmer contours that they resolve to keep the weight off and maintain a healthy lifestyle moving forward. This is key to getting the most from this procedure.

Are you interested in having tumescent liposuction with the team at Skin & Cosmetic Solutions? Call us at (919) 876-9576 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Puente.

Posted in: Tumescent Liposuction

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